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loose inches in 60 minutes immediate results


The Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a pain-free inch loss treatment that removes unwanted fat from all over the body; it does not rely on dehydration or water loss for its results. So you do not need exercise or diet to achieve inch loss, unlike the other fat reduction treatments available at Cheshire Lasers. 


What are the active ingredients in the Shrinking Wrap?

The ingredients used during the Shrinking Violet wrap include an active phospholipid solution, pre-blended essential oils designed to reduce cellulite, these are made up into a nanoceutical solution which means the active ingredients can penetrate the skin in seconds.

The shrinking violet wrap would not be complete without using body wrap a special type of heat inducing film wrap.

The phospholipid solution consists of hydrolysed lethecin at a 20% concentration three times more concentrated than most other wraps.


How do the Shrinking Violet ingredients work?

The heat generated from the wrap allows the active ingredients to penetrate the skin and work on the cells in the fatty subcutaneous layer just underneath it. The ingredients change the permeability of the fat cells causing them to release intra-cellular fat, which reduces the size of the fat cells — changing the fat from a triglyceride (within the fat cell) to free fatty acid. In this form, the fat can be more easily removed from your body. It is essential that you drink lots of water following the treatment for 72 help this process.


When will I see results from a Shrinking Violet Wrap?

For best results, we recommend a six-week course of Shrinking Violet Wraps.

However, some people see results after just one treatment


How do I prepare for the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap?

For best results avoid alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks for 24hrs before your treatment.

Drink 1-2 liters of water a day for 48hrs before treatment.

Do not moisturize your body on the day of your treatment.

Eat lighter meals on the day of your treatment.


What should I wear for the procedure?

You will need to be in your underwear or bikini for this treatment, whichever you feel most comfortable in.


How long does it take?

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a technique that is so powerful that a 60 minutes session can shrink  by up  20 to 45 total area centimeter . The amount of fat reduction varies depending on your build, but many people may reduce by a least one whole size after the first treatment.


What should I expect during the Shrinking Violet procedure?

  • You will be carefully measured before and after the treatments so you can compare the results.

  • Then you will be lightly dry body brushed to stimulate blood circulation and the lymphatic drainage system, and shed dead skin cells.

  • The Shrinking Violet solution is then massaged into the skin, and the rapture is applied.

  • Finally, you will lie on a heated bed as heat is the activator needed for optimum slimming results

  • For the next hour, you can then relax and enjoy a complimentary facial while the ingredients go to work.

  • The wrap is then removed, and we will measure you again.

  • There are no messy bandages which absorb the product rather than it going into the body, and there is no chemical smell.

  • We advise you do not shower for 24hrs after the treatment as the oil continues to penetrate your skin.

  • Your skin will be grease-free, will feel hydrated and smell of lavender, cypress and juniper from the scented oil.


What should I do after a Shrinking Violet Wrap?

Do not shower, swim or exercise for 24hrs after the treatment

Avoid alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks for 24hrs after the wrap.

Drink 2 liters of water a day for 72hrs.

Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain your results.


Will the results from a Shrinking Violet Wrap last?

This depends on your lifestyle, eat healthy and exercise regularly and the results are more likely to last.

If you eat excess calories the results will not last as long.


Do I lose weight with the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap?

The Shrinking Violet Body wrap works to breakdown unwanted subcutaneous fat and has no effect on the fat stored elsewhere in the body nor the water and muscle mass that affect your weight, so do not expect weight loss from this treatment.


Duration treatment 1h30 mnts


Can be done on your day off workout.

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